Updates, News or Mailouts.

  1. Spanish phrases


    Learn a few essential phrases before you arrive to Peru.


  1. Final Mailout



  1. RSRC welcome


    This April, Markham and San Silvestre are thrilled to welcome the members of RSRC 2019 from schools all across America.


  1. EPI PEN for Emergency Situations


    If you require the use of an EPI PEN for emergency situations, please bring it with you and carry it with you at ALL times. This is not available for sale in Peru and we are not able to carry it in the Nurse's kit. 

  1. Mailout 3



  1. Food as part of Peruvian culture


    The other day I realised that, being the Peruvian that I am, there are feelings about food that cannot be explained...


  1. Service


    The home of our conference, Peru, offers amazing opportunities concerning one of our 6 IDEALS: service.


  1. Peru Tourist Sites


  1. FAQ’s: Frequently Asked Questions

    We have received several queries so to address your questions we have updated our Frequently Asked Questions, please click on the link:

  1. Packing List


  1. Mailout 2



  1. Mailout 1


      The registration deadline is the 15th of January.
      Please complete ALL forms for the registration for all delegates in order to help with the home stays that we will be working on in February.

  1. Hotel Reservations to the Crowne Plaza

      The Conference Organising Committee has arranged discounted conference rates at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, conveniently located in the centre of all conference activities.

  1. Round Square Communication
    Friday 19th October Meeting.

      Update of meeting:

      Things seem to be going great for the organisation of the conference!